Tuesday, June 22, 2010

If people focused more on the events of their own lives and being the best that THEY can be rather than focusing, criticizing, hating on other countries, players and thinking that they know it all...the world would be a better place. That being said, Long live the World Cup!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'll never forget Montanita.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't Label me Crazy

Don't you know that life is new. Don't you know that i see you.
Don't you know that ice is cold. Don't you know that truth is bold.
I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I know me, do you know you?
Words i spit onto this screen. Lifeless drifter through this dream. Haunted by daily chores. Who the fuck is keeping score? Consciouse man don't stand aside. Consciouse man, don't you hide. Reality is for the brave of heart, strong body and joyous soul. Lies are for the weak. simply told. They say were crazy, they say we're wrong. They hate to hear us sing our song. I lie in bed with worried fury. I hit my head with thoughts so dirty. Just because you can't see what we can or are afraid to acknowledge REALITY as it really is don't label me crazy.